Incorporating Healthy Habits For Maintaining A Drug-Free Lifestyle

The majority of the world’s population lives a drug-free lifestyle. It is a reality to most that you can easily achieve. It should be easy for you to go about maintaining a healthy, drug-free lifestyle if you incorporate the following habits:

1. Exercising Regularly

Exercising will effectively boost your mood and decrease your cravings. Doing it regularly will make it possible for you to always be in a good mood and feel no craving whatsoever for any substance use. You do not have to stress about doing a particular kind of physical exercise. Any kind of physical movement will do. You can try walking, jogging, yoga, or even cycling.

2. Sleeping Well

People who lack rest perform poorly in any kind of task. The key to having sufficient rest is sleeping well. Sleeping well entails having at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Having good sleep hygiene is central to living a healthy and fulfilling life.

3. Good Diet

Take a pause and reflect on your daily diet. Does it consist of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins? If not, then you haven’t been eating as well as you should and could. Be intentional with the food that you eat. If possible, consume food that will boost your drug-free lifestyle like food with healthy fats (salmon, olive oil, avocados, and etc.) that aid in mood regulation and brain health.

4. Mindfulness

You will be empowered and enabled to reduce impulsivity and do things in an unintentional and undisciplined manner if you are self-aware. Self-awareness is possible if you will practice mindfulness. The following are simple mindfulness practices that you can incorporate into your life:

  • Body scanning – scan your body by taking a pause. Check for areas where there is tension. Check for parts that feel discomfort. Acknowledge each sensation free from any judgment. If you can do something to ease yourself, do so. Be fully one with your body.
  • Deep breathing – focus on your breath. You can do this by taking time to pause and inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
  • Mindful eating – this is something that you can do every single day. Do this by paying attention to the texture, aroma, and taste of your food while you eat. Be intentional in chewing slowly. Make it a point to truly savor every bite.
  • Mindful walking – do this by noticing every sensation in your feet as you walk. Feel the very movement of your legs. Doing this will allow you to be grounded and feel present in every single moment.

5. Effective Management Of Stress

Stress is one of your body’s ways to respond to the demands of daily life. It happens whenever a person experiences events like relationship issues and major life changes that the body perceives as a threat. This in turn makes your body release stress hormones (like adrenaline and cortisol) to help you react quickly. Stress triggers your body’s fight-or-flight response. Stress is useful in many instances but chronic stress is not healthy at all. This is why you need to know how to effectively manage your stress. Being stressed every single day is not a way to live. Manage your stress by doing the following:

  • Know your boundaries – you should be aware of things that are okay and not okay with you. Do not do anything that compromises your boundaries and personal preferences.
  • Do not overcommit – don’t put too much on your place. Only say yes when you have the time and energy to do something.
  • Be generous with your no – if you can’t commit to anything or you don’t want to participate in something, give yourself the grace and space to decline. It is perfectly okay as the world will not end. You, and only you, are fully in control of your life.
  • Express yourself – keep a journal or talk to close family and friends. Give yourself the chance to vent your feelings.
  • Listen to music – music can soothe the mind and remind you of things that truly matter
  • Be organized – it is impossible to feel rattled and out of control if your life is in order

6. Social Support

Humans are meant to interact with one another. You will need support to ensure that you maintain a drug-free lifestyle. Support can be had from family and friends. You can also get support from counselors and therapists. Every single human interaction is a form of support. Membership in a club, organization, or association where you feel a sense of belonging can also provide support.

7. Awareness Of Triggers

Know your triggers. This is something that can be done through self-awareness. Introspection will be necessary. You need to know the things, experiences, and events that make you feel uncomfortable. This level of awareness will allow you to then be in control of your actions. Once you know that something can be triggering or something is triggering you already, it will be significantly easier for you to handle a situation. You will be able to do something about it. Awareness of your triggers is a lone task that will require mental and emotional health. You will need to recall incidents where you were uncomfortable and events that caused psychological pain. Keeping a journal will enable you to explore your triggers in a safe space.

8. Connect With Nature

Dedicate time for yourself with nature. If you can be near bodies of water or trees, do so. It will easily soothe you and relax you as you will be reminded of the glorious simplicity and divinity of life.

9. Have A Routine

Your body will be more at ease if it knows what to expect. You can do this by having a regular schedule for doing things. Be consistent with your wake-up time, meal time, and sleeping time. It will make a world of difference.

By admin