The initial time I baked pumpkin seeds, I completely scorched them.

It was disheartening, especially since I had my doubts about whether it was even worth my time. All that effort to clean the seeds and pull apart the pumpkin – I didn’t even get to savor the results of my hard work. Hrmph.

Here’s the secret nobody shared with me: The inner seeds cook significantly quicker than the outer shells. I kept checking the oven, and everything seemed perfect from the outside. Little did I realize, the inner seeds were charred to bits.

Thank goodness I persisted after that first dreadful try! My life would feel incomplete without those roasted pumpkin seeds.

I’m thrilled to report, the second batch not only succeeded, it amazed me! The cup of seeds I roasted vanished quickly between the two of us. Every time we walked by the kitchen, it was an opportunity to snag a crispy handful from the pan.

Today, I’m excited to share my tips for crafting a superb batch of roasted pumpkin seeds. If you’ve ever doubted their value or ended up with mediocre results, I urge you to give it one last shot. I’m confident it won’t be the last, but the beginning of a lifelong passion. Watch out, pumpkins, here we come!

Instructions for Roasting Pumpkin Seeds:

1. Clean the seeds. This annoying-but-necessary step involves thorough cleaning of the seeds until all the pumpkin guts are removed. The most effective method I’ve discovered from your feedback! is to place the seeds + guts into a large bowl of water and break it apart with your hands. The seeds will float to the surface! This method speeds up the cleaning process significantly.

Note: Some of you have mentioned that sugar pumpkin seeds yield crunchier outcomes than those from carving pumpkins. I utilized sugar pumpkin seeds, and they were definitely super crispy!

2. Boil for 10 minutes in salted water. Inspired by Elise’s approach, I combined the pumpkin seeds with 1 tsp salt in a medium pot of water. Bring it to a boil and reduce to a simmer, uncovered, for about 10 minutes on low-medium heat. This method is said to assist in digestion and create a crispy shell during roasting. If you’re short on time, feel free to skip this step! They’ll still turn out delightful.

3. Drain the seeds using a colander and lightly dry them with a paper towel or cloth. The seeds may stick to the towel, but simply rub them off with your fingers. No need for them to be bone dry – just a gentle pat is enough.

4. Spread seeds on a baking sheet and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil (I only needed about 1/2-1 tsp). Coat the seeds with oil and generously sprinkle on Herbamare (or fine sea salt will suffice). Aim to arrange the seeds as evenly as possible with minimal overlapping.

5. Roast seeds at 325°F for 10 minutes. Take them out of the oven and stir. Roast for another 8-10 minutes (be aware that baking time may vary if your oven runs hot or cold!). In the last 5 minutes of roasting, remove a few seeds and crack one open to check if the inner seeds are burning (the inner seed shouldn’t be brown). Cool a few and taste them for readiness. They’re done when the shell is incredibly crisp and easy to chew through. The inner seed should just show a hint of golden color. They shouldn’t be brown.

6. EAT! Take them out of the oven, add a little more Herbamare, and enjoy! Ah, so delicious, so delicious! No need to discard the outer shell; it might just be the best part.

I had no idea I would enjoy freshly roasted pumpkin seeds so much. I love the crunchiness of the outer shell and how fun it is to munch on. They remind me a bit of popcorn, yet they’re much crispier, satisfying, and undeniably packed with nutrition.

Indeed, pumpkin seeds are exceptionally nutritious! They’re loaded with iron, magnesium, fiber, zinc, potassium, healthy fats, protein, and tryptophan (which can improve your mood and aid sleep). Vegans and vegetarians have been utilizing pumpkin seeds for ages as a natural iron source. This has become one of my favorite ways to get iron, right after my Iron Woman Gingerbread Smoothies, of course. Don’t forget to pair it with Vitamin C for optimal iron absorption.

7. Share with some very fortunate people! (but choose wisely…)

I assure you, you’ll never toss the seeds again.

I feel the urge to buy pumpkins just to roast another batch of seeds. Not to mention, to create homemade pumpkin puree. I’m already eager to experiment with various flavor combinations – perhaps garlic powder, cayenne, rosemary, brown sugar or cinnamon, nutmeg, ground cloves, etc., would be delightful to try? I can’t wait to play around…many ideas are swirling in my…stomach.

Creamy Pumpkin Pie Smoothie for Two

How to roast a sugar pumpkin

All Natural Pumpkin Butter from Scratch (the best!!)

Pumpkin Pie Chia Pudding Parfait

Raw Pumpkin Pecan Butter

and around 30 more pumpkin recipes!

What spices would YOU add to your roasted pumpkin seeds?

@ohsheglows on Instagram and hashtag #ohsheglows so that we can all take a look!

# Step-by-Step Instructions for Roasting Perfectly Crunchy and Tasty Pumpkin Seeds

The arrival of pumpkin season introduces a delightful array of treats, and one of the most underestimated snacks is roasted pumpkin seeds. They are not only crunchy and tasty but are also brimming with nutrients such as fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Whether you’re carving pumpkins for Halloween or just working with pumpkin flesh, don’t discard those seeds! With a little effort, you can convert them into a tasty, healthy snack. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to roast perfectly crunchy and flavorful pumpkin seeds.

## Step 1: Assemble Your Ingredients and Equipment

Before you dive in, ensure you have everything on hand:

### Ingredients:
– **Pumpkin seeds** (from one or multiple pumpkins)
– **Olive oil** (or any preferred oil such as avocado or coconut oil)
– **Salt** (to taste)
– **Optional spices** (like garlic powder, paprika, cinnamon, or cayenne pepper)

### Equipment:
– A **baking sheet**
– **Parchment paper** (optional, for easier cleanup)
– A **mixing bowl**
– A **colander** or **strainer**
– A **spoon** or **spatula**

## Step 2: Extract and Clean the Seeds

Once you carve or slice your pumpkin, you’ll find the seeds hiding among the stringy, fibrous insides. Here’s how to extract them:

1. **Scoop out the seeds**: Use a spoon or your hands to scoop the seeds and pulp from the pumpkin’s interior.
2. **Separate the seeds**: Submerge the seeds and pulp in a large bowl of water. The seeds will float, making separation from the fibrous pumpkin flesh easier. Use your hands to detach the seeds from the pulp.
3. **Rinse the seeds**: After separating, rinse the seeds in a colander or strainer under cold water to eliminate any pumpkin residue. Shake off excess water.

## Step 3: Dry the Seeds

Drying is an essential process for achieving that desired crunch. Wet seeds won’t roast as they should, so ensure they’re as dry as possible.

1. **Pat the seeds dry**: Spread the rinsed seeds out on a clean kitchen towel or paper towels. Gently pat them to remove moisture.
2. **Air-dry (optional)**: For optimal results, allow the seeds to air-dry for around 30 minutes to an hour. This ensures even roasting and crispiness.

## Step 4: Season the Seeds

Now that your seeds are clean and dry, let’s add some flavor! This is where you can unleash your creativity with different tastes!

1. **Preheat the oven**: Set your oven temperature to **325°F (165°C)**. A lower setting helps the seeds roast uniformly without burning.
2. **Mix seeds with oil**: In a mixing bowl, combine the dried pumpkin seeds with a small amount of oil (approximately 1 tablespoon per cup of seeds). Olive oil works well, but any oil of your choice is fine.
3. **Add salt and spices**: Sprinkle some salt over the seeds and any additional spices you want to use. Popular choices include:
– **Garlic powder** for a savory twist
– **Paprika** for a smoky flavor
– **Cinnamon and sugar** for a sweet treat
– **Cayenne pepper** for a spicy kick
– **Everything bagel seasoning** for a unique flavor profile
4. **Combine thoroughly**: Toss the seeds in the bowl until they are well-coated with oil and spices.

## Step 5: Roast the Seeds

Now comes the exciting part – roasting the seeds to crispy perfection!

1. **Spread seeds on a baking sheet**: Optionally line a baking sheet with parchment paper and arrange the seasoned seeds in a single layer. Avoid overcrowding, as this promotes even roasting.
2. **Roast in the oven**: Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and roast the seeds for **20-30 minutes**, stirring every 10 minutes to ensure consistent browning. Keep an eye on them to prevent burning, as oven temperatures can differ.
3. **Check for readiness**: The seeds should be golden brown and crunchy. You can taste one to gauge its crispness. If they aren’t quite done, continue roasting in 5-minute intervals.

## Step 6: Cool and Indulge!

Once your pumpkin seeds are perfectly roasted, it’s time to let them cool and enjoy.

1. **Take them out of the oven**: Allow the baking sheet to cool for a few minutes before enjoying the seeds.