As a registered dietitian focused on mindfulness, I am enthusiastic about the ability of mindful eating to enhance not just our personal connections with food, but also our environmental influence — integrating mindful eating with sustainability.

Mindful eating means being aware of the current moment as we tune into our body’s requirements, which can also mean recognizing sustainable food selections. This article will delve into Mindful Eating and Sustainability, examining how mindful eating aids the environment, mitigates our carbon footprint, and fosters sustainability.

Defining Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is the approach of being mindful about our food and our body, devoid of judgment. It encompasses being fully engaged during meals, relishing every bite, and heeding our body’s cues for hunger and satiety. The purpose of mindful eating is to enhance our awareness of our eating routines, lessen food-related stress, and increase the pleasure of dining.

Mindful Eating and Sustainability: The Environmental Upside of Conscious Food Choices

Since making the switch to an “off-grid” lifestyle a few years back — we now run our household solely on solar power — my connection to nature has deepened significantly. I feel immense gratitude and a drive to nurture the land that we consider home, as well as the planet that we all inhabit.

This closeness to nature, coupled with growing my own food, caring for our forest farm animals, and supporting natural resources, has transformed my relationship with food. Mindful eating takes on an additional dimension of appreciation, as I can clearly understand the origins of my food, fostering a deeper bond with local farmers and their cultivation practices, all while lessening our carbon footprint.

However, you’re not required to live “off-grid” or in the woods like I do—everyone can make small changes to embrace more sustainable food options and to eat with sustainability in mind.

The Environmental Advantages of Mindful Eating

  1. Minimizes Food Waste: Engaging in mindful eating can curb food waste by prompting us to be mindful of the quantity of food we consume and to select portion sizes aligning with our hunger. This reduction in food waste can also help decrease greenhouse gas emissions tied to food production, shipping, and disposal.
  2. Promotes Local and Sustainable Farming: Mindful eating can lead us to prefer locally sourced and sustainably produced foods, thereby lessening the environmental implications of food transportation and bolstering local economies.
  3. Conserves Energy Usage: Opting for whole foods that need little processing and have minimal plastic packaging can lower the energy used in food processing, transport, and storage.
  4. Encourages Plant-Centric Choices: Mindful eating can promote the selection of plant-based foods, which generally have a reduced carbon footprint compared to animal products. Plant-based diets can also support biodiversity, mitigate deforestation, and lessen water consumption.
  5. Advocates for Ethical Food Practices: Mindful eating can inspire us to select foods produced with ethical and sustainable strategies, such as fair trade and organic farming. Supporting such practices can foster sustainability and uplift local communities (and pollinator populations).

Guidelines for Practicing Mindful Eating with Sustainability in Mind

Here are some suggestions for integrating mindful eating into your routine to foster sustainability:

  1. Focus on Whole Foods: Choose whole, minimally processed foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes.
  2. Select Local and Sustainably Sourced Foods: Seek out foods grown locally and sustainably, like seasonal fruits and responsibly sourced seafood.
  3. Limit Meat Intake: Think about decreasing your meat intake or choosing plant-based alternatives that are gentler on the environment.
  4. Prevent Food Waste: Be attuned to your body’s hunger and fullness signals and choose portion sizes that suit your appetite. Store food correctly to minimize spoilage and waste.
  5. Support Ethical Food Practices: Opt for foods cultivated using ethical and sustainable methods, such as organic and fair trade farming.

Research Backing Mindful Eating for Sustainability

<p Numerous studies highlight the potential advantages of mindful eating and sustainable food choices for fostering a sustainable approach. One study indicated that participants who underwent a mindful eating program decreased their food waste by 30%, while another revealed that interventions focusing on mindful eating were associated with a drop in carbon footprints. A review of 12 studies illustrated that such interventions effectively encouraged sustainable food choices and minimized food waste.


Mindful eating can serve as a substantial instrument for fostering sustainability and lessening our environmental impact. By paying closer attention to what we consume, reducing food waste, and prioritizing sustainable and ethical food selections, we can work toward a healthier and more sustainable food system.

Keep in mind that mindful eating is a journey, and it’s essential to exercise patience and compassion toward yourself throughout the process!

Achieve Freedom & Balanced Nourishment.

Cultivate a Balanced & Harmonious Relationship with Food.

If you’re eager to develop a healthier connection with food and reshape your eating patterns, consider enrolling in our online coaching program, the Mindful Nutrition Method. Our program is tailored to help you embrace a mindful perspective on eating and cultivate a healthier relationship with food and your body.

Access the 3-part framework designed to help you find your equilibrium, savor your food, and nourish your relationship with food, enabling you to feel confident, balanced, and at peace. You’ll acquire the skills and techniques necessary to implement lasting improvements to your health and wellness. Don’t hesitate to embark on your journey towards a healthier, more fulfilled you.

Join the Mindful Nutrition Method today and experience the transformative effects of mindful eating.


Here are several research studies related to mindful eating and sustainability:

  1. Dunn C., Haubenreiser M., Johnson M., Nordby K., Aggarwal S., Mykerezi E., & Thomas C. (2019). Mindful Eating and Living (MEAL): Weight, eating behavior, and psychological outcomes associated with a mindfulness-based intervention for people with obesity. Complementary therapies in medicine, 42, 375-382.
  2. Kristensen N. H., Sabaté J., & Petersen K. E. (2014). Health and environmental implications of US meat consumption and production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(33), 11996-12001.
  3. Schneider S. L., Lillico H. G., & McKeown C. K. (2019). Mindful eating and reducing food waste: A randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Health Education, 50(2), 71-79.
  4. Sobal J., Bisogni C. A., & Devine C. M. (2006). A conceptual model of food choice and food behavior. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 3(1), 166-175.
  5. Trenchard L., & Kasser T. (2015). Mindfulness, well-being, and ecological sustainability: The critical importance of viewing the natural world as a commons. Ecopsychology, 7(3), 159-166.